How to Make Blogger using the display Old Version
How to Make Blogger using the display Old Version...?
Creating a Blog is not a necessity, but a lot of positive benefits to the Make Blog. Besides Free, easy and fast, there are several other advantages if we make a blog or have a blog.Why do we have to read the article on How to Create a Blog?
Creating a Blog is not a necessity, but a lot of positive benefits to the Make Blog. Besides Free, easy and fast, there are several other advantages if we make a blog or have a blog.Why do we have to read the article on How to Create a Blog?
Among them :
1. Buddy Buddy can do promotion when selling a product / entrepreneur / conduct business activities Buddies / associated with any one of many ways in which Halal Business Make Money, of course.
2. Buddy can share knowledge.
3. Buddy can extend the network / link buddy.4. And many other benefits.
What buddy interested to know How to Create a Blog using the display Old Version...?
How to Create a Blog For what, buddy can use a free service like BLOGGER.COM, WORDPRESS.COM, BLOGSOME.COM, and other FREE SERVICES BLOG.
How my friend ...?
Tutor26 As said above, How to Create a Blog is easy, fast and free hlooo ...We only need 3 steps to Make a Blog, although we are not proficient in science programmer though.When Buddy interested Create Blog tutor26 below will provide a step - step How to Create a Blog using SERVICES BLOG FREE from BLOGGER.COM :
1. Create a Google Account.
With Buddy google account can use various services from Google, including a blog from If Buddy had not yet created a google account please pal google account using gmail email from Buddy himself.

Look at the picture below and please follow the instructions:

After Buddy contents of all the forums that exist, then "CONTINUE".
2. Create a blog name.
2. Create a blog name.

Make up blog buddy with a memorable name and accustomed our ears.If, after you have entered your blog name is not available, please try to keep the name of my friend the other to succeed. But usually if the name you entered is not available, Blogger will provide feedback or suggestions alternate name. And if you like the name suggested, just click and go. But when Buddy does not like please search and enter the name of the other.These images between available and unavailable:

3. Select Template.
Please, select suitable blog template blog theme that will be created or friend can select the home first, because these templates can change at any time after blog Buddy finished.

Here is the new blog is created, because no blog posts so the blog still looks empty :
Here are the results of an existing blog post or article examples, mini articles, categories / labels, etc.. on the right :
can fill the appropriate article or entry or hobby purposes, and Buddy
can Create a Blog better with editing or giving a lot of blogs on a blog
buddy accessories themselves later.Thank you for reading the article
I hope on My Article "How to Create a Blog using the display Old Version", maybe useful... (",)
I hope on My Article "How to Create a Blog using the display Old Version", maybe useful... (",)
Tags : How to Create a Blog, How to make Blog, How to Create a Blog, Learn to Make Blog, Create a Blog Lessons, Lesson Creating a Blog, Blog make lesson, Lesson Create Blog